Concentrated Sectors of the Real Social-Network

Academia, activist groups, charities, citizens’ militia, civic groups, clubs (sports, social, etc.), community foundations, community organizations, consumer organizations, cooperatives, cultural groups, environmental groups, foundations, intermediary organizations for the voluntary and non-profit sector, men’s groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), non-profit organizations (NPOs), policy institutions, private voluntary organizations (PVOs), professional associations, religious organizations, support groups, trade unions, voluntary associations, women’s groups and more.


How are these groups connected?

If any of these communal institutions are important to your outreach, would an online social media campaign be enough?

I use the word “real” in the sense that despite how vast our online social networks have become, there still exist a network of social networks often anchored in brick-and-mortar buildings, where logging in means showing up, physically! Here, “posting a message” means opening your mouth and speaking. Here all of the human intuitive capabilities we possess can better determine if the people we are communicating with are in fact “friends”.

Much has changed (or settled and crystalized) since I posted a summary of my understanding of what social media was several years ago in 2013. The slideshow below also reveals how it remains the same.